Souvenir shop „Ora et labora“
Souvenir shop „Ora et labora“
In the beginning God created] the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters.
And God said, „Let the earth put forth vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, upon the earth.”
And it was so. The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind.
And God said, „Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food.”
Genesis: 1,1-2,2
„ORA ET LABORA – PRAY AND WORK and... that in all things God may be glorified“ is the guiding thought of the Benedictine order. Everyday prayer and work are the basis of the Benedictine order.
Great joy for the Benedictine nuns comes from working on the agricultural farm in Smilčić, where they grow various types of fruit, vegetables, lavender, olives and vines that are used in the production of jams, liqueurs, wine, olive oil and scented souvenirs.

Čika’s cross
A replica of the pectoral cross worn in the 11th century by Čika, the renovator...

Decorative pillow
Hand embroidered decorative pillow, called kušin in Dalmatia, brings a touch of...

Gold embroidery on paper
Various motifs are shown using the gold embroidery on paper technique. This...

Rosary made of processed olive pits. Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane...

White rosary
Rosary made of white beads. The rosaries are also made of glass, porcelain and...

Pictures made of dried flowers with their natural and colourful motifs will fit...

Reading is more interesting and fun with creative bookmarks with dried flowers.

A quality cuvee black wine is created as compound of merlot, syrah, grenach and...

Altar wine Sveti Benedikt
Quality White Wine with Controlled Geographical Origin. This CUVEE wine was...

Maraška sour cherry jam
Thanks to modern technology, we have managed to keep all the nutrients with a...

Maraška sour cherry juice
In addition to its refreshing taste, especially on hot summer days, maraška...

Maraška syrup
In Zadar and its surroundings, one of the symbols of the summer were large jars...

Liqueur of maraška sour cherry
Four ingredients are needed for this special sweet liqueur, namely maraška sour...

Cherry jam
Delicious and fresh cherries are processed into an equally sweet jam that is...

Cherry and lemon jam
The sweetness of spring cherries and the freshness and aroma of lemons are...

Peach jam
The sweetness of summer peaches is preserved in this jam, a perfect reminder of...

Nectarine jam
The rich offer of homemade jams is completed by the aromatic jam made from fresh...

Olive liqueur
Among our new products, we would like to highlight olive liqueur. An interesting...

Limuncino liqueur
The monastery garden hides many secrets, and one of them is the unusually large...

Quince syrup
Aromatic fruit, sung about so often in literature, becomes a delicious and...

Lavender essential oil
Lavender is a Mediterranean plant whose fields capture the landscape with its...

Immortelle and almond oil
Imortelle (immortal) is a Mediterranean plant whose healing properties have been...